Activation Policy:

Members may take their membership off hold by submitting a written reactivation request via certified mail or by completing the electronic form below. A reactivation request received before the 1-month minimum hold requirement is met will cancel that hold and result in a charge to the member for the difference between the hold fee they were charged and the active monthly rate for their membership type. Memberships cannot be on hold for more than 3 months during any 12-month period. Consequently, once the maximum 3-month hold period has been reached the membership will be automatically reactivated and monthly billing will resume at that time.

Month-to-Month Membership Reactivations:

A reactivation request received after the 1-month minimum hold requirement is met will serve as authorization to resume charging monthly dues. Upon reactivation, the member will be charged prorated dues for the remainder of the current month and the membership will remain active indefinitely until the member submits either another hold request or a termination request.

12-Month Membership Reactivations:

Holds on 12-month memberships are required to last for precise periods of time – either exactly 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months. Reactivation requests can only go into effect on the first day of a month. Upon reactivation, month billing will resume and the 12-month contracted term will be extended by the number of months that the membership was on hold.

Please fill out the form below to submit an activation request:

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please check the box indicating you have read and agree to the activation policy.(Required)